Research Services
Learning Partners undertake a wide range of research, development and evaluation projects across education. Our areas of specific expertise include:
- research on student progression and barriers to progression from KS4 to adult and higher education
- support for partnership working
- development and implementation of 14-19 curriculum initiatives
- improving information, advice and guidance
- developing good practice in vocational education
- production of guidance for project implementation.
- the use of tutoring to monitor and support learning
- quality assurance and project evaluation
- mapping progression routes and opportunities
- mapping provision and partnership structures
Whilst we use both quantitative and qualitative methods we specialise in the use of qualitative fieldwork including the use of face-to-face interviews, focus groups, observation and case studies, with learners and stakeholders. We also conduct telephone interviewing and questionnaire research where appropriate. We undertake extensive analysis of existing research as a background for all our projects and have considerable experience of building explanatory frameworks, models and ideal types which allow us to make predictions upon which recommendations can be based.